In 2018, the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government began to implement a set of new immigration measures which allow full-time non-local students (except incoming exchange students) to take employment during their study programmes. Students should pay attention to the key information here before accepting any employment. 


Employment during Studies 修學期間就業

 Eligible non-local students will be issued a No Objection Letter” (NOL) upon approval of entry and/or extension of stay by the Immigration Department. 


Eligibility for Employment​

  1. Possessing the original copy of a valid “No Objection Letter” (NOL)
  2. Full-time non-local students (excluding exchange students)​
  3. Studying a locally accredited degree programme or above ​​
  4. Study period: ≥ 1 academic year​

If you meet the above requirements, you are eligible to take up the following types of employment:


  1. 持有有效的「不反對通知書」原件
  2. 全日制非本地學生不包括交換生)
  3. 修讀本地認可的學位課程或以上
  4. 學習年期≥1學年



Study-related internships as arranged or endorsed by the institutions

Subject to the approval of the respective Faculty/ Department, non-local students may undertake study-related internship. The duration of the internship is up to one academic year, or one-third of the normal duration of the relevant full-time academic programme, whichever is shorter. 

This type of internship cannot take place before the non-local student is officially registered with the University and begins attending any scheduled class, or once they have fulfilled all the course/credit requirements of graduation. 

There is no restriction on the level of salary. However, employers ought to comply with the Mini Wage Ordinance. For details, please visit








On-campus jobs for less than 18 hours per week

Non-local students are only allowed to work on campus or at designated operators for less than 18 hours per week. The unused hours would not be allowed to roll over from one week to another. 


  • After inputting working hours via Student Helper System, to comply with the policies of the Hong Kong Immigration Department, non-local students are required to:
    1. Fill in the log sheet for record-keeping
    2. Sign the completed form (both student and representative of engaging Department/Unit)  
    3. Return a hard copy of the log sheet(s) together with a copy of the NOL to 2/F Benjamin Franklin Centre, Career Planning and Development Centre (CPDC), Office of Student Affairs after the engagement is finished or every two months (whichever is shorter) by Departments/Units through internal mail.





  • 程序:將工作時數輸入學生助理系統後,非本地生必須遵從以下程序以符合入境處的規定:
  1. 妥善填寫並保管紀錄表
  2. 簽署已填妥的表格(學生;及相關代表部門或單位均須簽署)
  3. 在完成預約後或每逢兩個月(兩者之中以較短者為準),以部門/單位的內部通信系統將紀錄表的紙本連同「不反對通知書」的複印本寄至「范克廉樓二樓」,註明「學生事務處就業策劃及發展中心(CPDC)收」。

Summer employment

Summer employment is only allowed during the period from 1 June to 31 August (both dates inclusive). There is no restriction on the job nature, location, employer, and working hours. Non-local students are  NOT required to inform the University of such employment. 



 Part-time jobs (Only applicable to full time Postgraduates)

To enhance learning and enrichment opportunities for international students, the Government announced on October 26 that, starting from November 1, full-time non-local postgraduate students would be temporarily exempted from the restrictions on taking up part-time jobs for not more than 20 hours. The arrangement will be implemented on a trial basis for two years.

An updated "No Objection Letter" issued by the Immigration Department (ImmD) should be used when being employed. 

Notwithstanding the suspension of the restrictions, all students should comply with the University Regulations governing employment/remunerative engagements. In particular, under Clause 3.5 of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies

“A student registered for a full-time programme of studies shall not take up any full-time employment, paid or unpaid, during term time except with prior permission of the Graduate Council. Recipient of a Postgraduate Studentship shall not take up full-time or part-time employment, except with prior permission of the Graduate Council.” 

Further details can be found in the Employment chapter of the Code of Practice (Note 2).  

Employment after the Study Programme 課程結束後留港就業

Non-local students who have obtained a degree or higher qualifications from a full-time and locally accredited programme in Hong Kong may apply to stay/ return to and work in Hong Kong under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates” (IANG). Click here for more information and contact the Immigration Department for any enquiries. 



 IANG for Fresh Graduates

  • Submit application within 6 months after the date of graduation shown on certificates​​
  • After you get a graduation letter from Registry/Graduate School around July upon application​​
  • To be granted 24 months on time limitation normally without any condition provided that normal immigration requirements are met​​
  • Free to take up any employment without the need to seek prior approval from Immigration Department (ImmD)​​
  • Only could start the work AFTER you get a formal approval of IANG from the ImmD​


·         申請者須在畢業證書上列明的畢業日期後六個月內提交申請

·         提交申請後,將在約七月時從教務處或研究院取得畢業證明文件

·         如申請者滿足通常的入境條件,在通常情況下,可以無條件獲批限期為二十四個月的留港工作資格

·         毋須事先向入境處申請,即可受聘於任何工作

·         惟須注意,只可在從入境處正式獲取IANG資格後方可履職 



·         Applicable to graduates who submit an application after 6 months of graduation​​

·         Applications will be favourably considered provided that:​​

Ø  -The job secured requires the employee to have a university degree ​​

Ø  -The remuneration package is set at the market level​​

·         Successful applicants will be granted 24 months of stay​​

·         Successful applicants are free to change employment during their permitted stay without the need to seek prior approval from ImmD​





·         適用於在畢業六個月後提交申請的畢業生

·         符合以下要求將有利申請獲得批准:

·         該工作要求受聘的員工具有大學學歷

·         通過該工作賺取的酬勞符合市場標準

·         獲得批准的申請者可以獲批限期為二十四個月的留港工作資格

·         毋須另外徵求入境處批准,即可在限期內自由轉換工作


·         Consent needs to be obtained from the applicant’s current employers or the Mainland authorities concerned that keep the applicant’s records​​

·         An applications should be submitted directly by the student applicant or through a visa-sponsoring company as appropriate



·         申請必須獲得申請者現時受聘於的工作單位或負責保管相關工作紀錄的內地機構批准

·         申請必須由擁有大學生身份的申請者本人直接提交,或該申請者經由具有簽證贊助的資格的僱主提交


Download Zone 下載區

Please download:


Building a Career and  Being Employed Legally in Hong Kong for Non-local Students

No Objection Letter Sample [For on-campus part-time job and summer job, always comes with your student VISA] (Validity: In line with the limit of stay granted to the students concerned and will normally cover the whole academic programme) 

No Objection Letter Sample [For Study-related Internship] (Validity: One academic year, need to renew every year)

No Objection Letter Sample [For Full-time Postgraduates only] (Validity: In line with the limit of stay granted to the students concerned and will normally cover the whole academic programme)

Log Sheet for Non-local students working in CUHK