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Career education videos are stored here for you on various topics including career planning, writing CVs, updates about industry development, career stories of CUHKers, etc. Digital resources at your fingertips. Flip and enjoy!
1.1 "Alumni@Workplace” EP1: Food Delivery | 《疫久嘗新》第一集︰外送服務
《疫久嘗新》第一集,帶大家認識外送服務及面對逆境的一個重要態度︰堅持。 限聚令生效後,安坐家中用膳成為日常,造就外送服務一大商機。飲食業即時轉型並加強外送服務,外送員的需求亦大量增加。 在新常態下,如何將外送服務推廣至穩定的長遠發展計劃? 作為創業者,如何由零開始經營生意,同時履行社會責任?今集嘉賓葉曉慧(社會學/2016)在創業路上遇過不少困難,她又憑甚麼理念一直堅持下去?
The first episode introduced you to an important attitude towards facing adversity: Persistence. After the gathering restriction order came into effect, eating at home became a daily routine which created a major business opportunity for delivery services. The catering industry has immediately shifted to strengthen delivery services, and the demand for delivery staff increased exponentially. Under the new normal, how should the industry promote the delivery services for a stable long-term development? How should an entrepreneur run a business from scratch while fulfilling social responsibilities? Ding Ding (Sociology/2016), the guest of this episode has faced many difficulties when she runs her business. What makes her persist in doing so?
1.2 "Alumni@Workplace" EP2: Education | 《疫久嘗新》第二集︰教育
教育工作者對未來有甚麼盼望?將教育理念實踐,又有甚麼竅門?《疫久嘗新》第二集帶大家認識「使命」的重要性。 停課、網上學習、復課、全面復課......不斷改變的教學模式為學界帶來前所未有的挑戰,更讓教育工作者意識到推行網上教學以至混合式學習的重要性。「混合式學習」對教學質素有甚麼正面影響?在網上平台又如何發揮教學相長?同時,面對重大的挑戰,善意溝通技巧又如何支援老師及學生去表達自己的感受及需要? 今集嘉賓朱子穎(教育學院/2009)分享他對教育發展及未來的前瞻性見解。而職場新鮮人霍靖兒(社會科學院/2020)還會透過遊戲卡,邀請朱校長跟大家分享教育工作者的感受及需要。兩位嘉賓在教育路上擔當不同的角色。緊守崗位,是「愛」或是「責任」?
What are the hopes of educators for the future? What is the gist of putting educational theories into practice? The second episode of "Alumni@Workplace" takes everyone to realize the importance of "mission". Suspension of classes, online learning, partial class resumption, official school reopening... The ever-changing teaching mode has brought unprecedented challenges to the academic arena and has made educators aware of the importance of implementing blended learning modes. What are the positive impacts of "blended learning"? How could we make good use of online platforms for teaching and learning? At the same time, in the face of challenges, how can Giraffe Language support teachers and students to express their feelings and needs? The guest in this episode, Tsz-wing Chu (Faculty of Education/2009) gives his forward-looking views on the development and future of education. A freshman in the workplace, Rachel (Faculty of Social Science}invites headmaster Chu to share with us his feelings and needs as an educator through the card game. The two guests play different roles in education. Is an educator's commitment and perseverance an indicator of "love" or "responsibility” for his/her profession?
1.3 "Alumni@Workplace” EP3: Biotechnology | 《疫久嘗新》第三集︰生物科技
科學家為科研奮鬥,可以去到幾盡?當中又有甚麼掙扎?而對於醫學界的新鮮人來說,需要甚麼力量協助我們向前走?《疫久嘗新》第三集,鼓勵大家繼續懷著「信念」前行。 今集嘉賓蔡佩樺博士(理學院/ 2013)真摰地分享她的故事、她對香港科研發展的看法、作為女性科學家的優勢,以及建立初創公司的心理歷程。蔡博士提到薪火相傳的美麗,而醫學界新鮮人周婉蕎(醫學院/ 2021)正正從蔡博士身上學習良多,並以準醫生的角度與大家互勉。 科研職涯跟面對疫境一樣,都要不斷經歷Trial and Error(嘗試與錯誤),只有堅持信念,才可以令你繼續向目標前行。
What are the struggles of scientists? How far can they go in pursuing excellence? For newbies in the medical field, what is needed to keep us going? The third episode of "Alumni@Workplace" encourages everyone to hang in there with "Faith". The guest in this episode, Dr. CHOI Pui Wah (Faculty of Science/ 2013) enthusiastically tells her story, her views on the development of scientific research in Hong Kong, the advantages of being a female scientist, and how she went through the ups and downs of founding her start-up company. Coincidentally and naturally, the concept of passing on what was shared by Dr. Choi was grasped by Karen CHOW (Faculty of Medicine/ 2021), a newbie in the medical field. Inspired by Dr. Choi, she encourages us to persevere from the perspective of a houseman. Constant Trial and Error is unavoidable in both pursuing a research career and facing the pandemic situation. Only “Faith” can keep us going.
1.4 "Alumni@Workplace” EP4: Tourism | 《疫久嘗新》第四集︰旅遊
一個疫情,對全球旅遊業帶來前所未有的挑戰。業界紛紛推出新招數,例如虛擬旅遊,以吸引參加者。除此之外,業界還可以如何「變陣」作出突破呢?《疫久嘗新》第四集,提提大家努力、奮鬥的同時,別忘記跟身處的這片土地同呼吸、同心跳。 今集嘉賓陳智遠(社會科學院/ 2005)分享他由開初一步一腳印地建立本地遊生意,到利用自身優勢面對疫境的故事。純理科出生身的影像創作者張展銘(理學院/ 2020)與師兄更深入探討本地人與本地遊的意義。 致將投身社會的你︰「你的每一步看似雖小,但只要緊記當初給予工作的意義,你的力量或可改變世界。」
International tourism has been hardest hit by the pandemic's impact. While live virtual tours are admired, how can the travel industry adapt to the changes and recover? The fourth episode of "Alumni@Workplace” reminds us to keep pace with the beat of other people while we are striving. The guest in this episode, Paul CHAN (Faculty of Social Science/ 2005) tells his story of building his local tourism business and how he takes advantage of his own strengths to overcome challenges. A YouTuber from a pure science background, Ahmy CHEUNG (Faculty of Science/ 2020), further discusses with Paul about the influences of local tourism on local people and its meaning. For those who will join the workforce: Your every step may seem small. As long as you keep in mind the meaning you have given to your job, your power may change the world.
2.1 "Alumni@Workplace” Season II 01: E-Commerce |《疫久嘗新》第二輯第一集︰電商網購
成功的企業往往不乏敢於創新、轉型的人才。基於疫情下的各種限制,網購企業迎來無限商機,但同時亦要面對前所未有的挑戰。到底如何才能把握機會、扭轉乾坤?《疫久嘗新》第二輯第一集,為大家解密電商網購的成功之道。 今集嘉賓周慧晶校友(社會科學院/2003)會分享她起初加入香港電商企業工作的趣事,以及成為行政總裁後如何以前瞻力和創新去克服重重難關的經驗。面對一位在電商界工作接近二十年的師姐,剛在商界嶄露頭角的何昆亮校友(商學院/2019)能否從對話中領悟到作為行政總裁所需的特質?有志加入商界的同學,又如何能做到「艱險我奮進、困乏我多情」?
There is innovative and transformative talent in every successful enterprise. Due to the pandemic, E-Commerce companies which focused on online shopping grew rapidly, though there was a battery of unprecedented challenges to face. How could these enterprises grab the opportunities and overcome all the difficulties? The first episode of "Alumni@Workplace" Season II reveals the road to success for E-Commerce. The guest in this episode, Jelly Zhou (Faculty of Social Science/2003) tells her story of joining an E-Commerce company in HK and how to cope with the challenges as a CEO with foresight and innovation. Could a newcomer to the business world, Robin Ho (Faculty of Business Administration/2019) find out the unique qualities of a CEO from their conversation? And how should you, who would like to work in the business field, keep your faith in adversity?
2.2 "Alumni@Workplace” Season II 02: ESG |《疫久嘗新》第二輯第二集︰環境社會及治理
氣候變化及可持續發展是近年國際社會上的重大議題,環境社會及治理 (ESG)亦變得日益重要。究竟ESG 是甚麼概念?在疫情下,大家的生活習慣都有所改變。面對新常態,ESG行業迎來的是困局,還是契機? 《疫久嘗新》第二輯第二集,帶大家深入了解ESG的世界。今集嘉賓李雅詩校友(理學院/ 2002)會分享她在行業內的寶貴經歷,以及企業如何透過審視氣候變化的風險及機遇,營造穩定的營運環境之餘亦能達致可持續發展目標。同樣投身於ESG的鍾芯豫校友 (社會科學院/2019),會否對行業在新常態下的角色及功能有不同的理解?兩位又如何連繫環境、社會及治理?
Climate change and sustainability have been the most pressing global issues in recent years. For this reason, the Environmental, Social and Governance concept (ESG) has grown in popularity. Given that the living habits of human beings changed with the outbreak of the pandemic, is the ESG having a stroke of luck or encountering deadlock under the new normal? The second episode of "Alumni@Workplace" Season II helps you understand what ESG is. The guest in this episode, Peggy Lee (Faculty of Science/ 2002) shares her valuable experience in working in the ESG field and how enterprises could stabilise the business environment and achieve sustainable development goals by examining the challenges and opportunities of climate change. Would Natalie Chung (Faculty of Social Science/ 2019), who also works in the ESG field, have a different perspective on the role of ESG? And how would both connect the environment, society and governance?
2.3 "Alumni@Workplace" Season II 03: Hotel | 疫久嘗新》第二輯第三集:酒店
疫情來襲期間,不少國家及地區都實施了出入境限制,首當其衝的酒店及旅遊業因而大受打撃。面對行業低潮,酒店如何才能在疫境中「守業」,甚至把握時機,推出不同的措施以吸引顧客安心入住? 《疫久嘗新》第二輯第三集,帶大家走進酒店,來一次特別的Staycation!今集嘉賓關寶智校友(工商管理學院)會分享她選擇傳訊作為事業發展方向的原因、介紹酒店與可持續發展的關係,以及酒店令客人感到賓至如歸的秘訣。正就讀酒店旅遊及房地產課程的尹曉楠同學(工商管理學院),能否從師姐身上取經,在職涯發展的長跑上找到適合自己的方向?
During the pandemic, many countries and regions imposed restrictions on entry and exit. These measures hit the hotel and tourism industry heavily. Facing the downturn, how could hotels maintain their business and explore various ways to attract customers? The third episode of "Alumni@Workplace" Season II shows you the inner workings of the hotel industry. The guest in this episode, Mona Kwan (Faculty of Business Administration) explains her reasons for choosing communication in hotels as her career and reveals the relationship between hotels and sustainability as well as the secret of making a hotel like a real home away from home. Will Elena Wan (Faculty of Business Administration), a year 2 student from the Hospitality and Real Estate programme, understand more about her own career development from the conversation?
2.4 "Alumni@Workplace” Season II 04: Art and Culture | 《疫久嘗新》第二輯第四集︰文化藝術
舞台表演藝術重視人與人的溝通、互動,但疫情卻一下子打破大家的連結,亦為我們帶來實體上的隔膜。劇場關閉,意味著劇場工作者失去生計,他們亦不得不另覓出路。當疫情放緩,業界工作者們從不同崗位重返舞台之際,他們會否有一些新體會?《疫久嘗新》第二輯第四集,帶大家穿越舞台,直撃劇場工作者的內心剖白。 今集嘉賓陳焯威校友(理學院/ 2004)會講述他從一名物理系學生慢慢成為舞台工作者的經歷,以及分享他如何在疫情中找回生活節奏及投身舞台工作的初心。同為表演藝術工作者的龔志業校友(社會科學院/ 2019),身處於文化藝術界 的「大時代」,又該如何自處?
Interaction and connection between people are the core elements of stage performance. However, these were broken all of a sudden by the pandemic. Restrictions on theatres and halls hindered the livelihoods of performers and they had no choice but to work in other industries. When the limitations were loosened, performers had the chance to come back with a bunch of new life experiences. Would they have a brand-new understanding of performance art? The fourth episode of "Alumni@Workplace" Season II brings you backstage to listen to words from the bottom of performers’ hearts. The guest in this episode, Octavian Chan (Faculty of Science/ 2004) explains why as a Physics student he wanted to become a stage artist and how he discovered the pace of life he desired, and he recalls the original urge to become an artist during the pandemic. As a junior performer, how does Kung Chi Yip (Faculty of Social Science/ 2019) see himself in the “big time” in the performing arts ?
Career Guidance Video 01 - Career Planning – How Shall I Begin…?
What would you like to do as a career? Do you have any dreams that you would like to live out? You may have similar thoughts like Ah Mui, curious about your possibilities but being clueless about how to start. Check this video out, you will get the answers!
Career Guidance Video 02 - On Your Mark! Get Your CV & Cover Letter Ready!
You probably are polishing your CV and Cover Letter for internship and graduate job hunting. Do you wish to get career tips from Ah Mui who is facing a very common job search difficulty like you and me? Check this out!
Career Guidance Video 03 - Nail Your Next Career Networking Events
In episode 3, Ah Gor and Ah Mui teach you how to prepare for career networking events, impress your potential employers and expand your career network. Watch this video and learn about the Book of Thirteen-Three with Ah Mui!
Career Guidance Video 04 – Interview “One-Take” Pass!
In episode 4, Ah Gor and Ah Mui will go through the interview process with you. What would you prepare before an interview? How and when should you use the STAR model during an interview? And what is the best time to send a thank-you note to the interviewers? Watch this to ace your job interview!
「貢」上你主場 - 劇團之旅 "SURPRISE Visit" - Drama Tour
In this episode, theatrical troupe founder and actress Franky Yau will share with us the mystery of this industry. Franky shared with us the key to success and what keeps her moving even with lots of struggles.
「貢」上你主場 - 嚐味X陶藝之旅 "SURPRISE Visit" - Savor & Ceramic Art Tour
In this episode, Japanese-style café “Zapjok” owner “老大” and pottery workshop owner Kit, will share their experiences in managing both the cafe and the pottery studio. Let’s go on a "Savor & Ceramic Art Tour!"
「貢」上你主場 - 氈酒之旅 "SURPRISE Visit" - Gin Tour
In this episode, we will bring you to Two Moons Distillery, opened by our alumnus Ivan Cheung and his partner, in which Ivan imparts his knowledge on starting and maintaining a business by sharing his own experience and offers advice to those who want to do the same.
「貢」上你主場 - 消防之旅 "SURPRISE Visit" - Fire Service Tour
In this episode, we interviewed the Assistant Divisional Officer (Recruitment, Training and Examination Group) of Hong Kong Fire Services Department – Chiu Sir, and introduced the special features of firefighting work. Let's take a look together!
「貢」上你主場 - 舞蹈療癒之旅 "SURPRISE Visit" - Dance Therapy Tour
In this episode, we will join our alumna and founder of Vijnana Mei Leung on a self-exploration journey, through which we will learn more about what dance therapy is. Ah Mei will share her experience on using dance therapy to connect and explore within oneself and give some encouraging words to you who are interested in knowing more about this meaningful career!
「貢」上你主場 - 航空交通之旅 "SURPRISE Visit" - Air Traffic Tour
In this episode, Air Traffic Control Officer II at Civil Aviation Department – Mr. Kelvin Chan will share some practical tips on monitoring and managing air traffic, especially in adverse weather conditions. Let's explore more about the aviation industry! Don't miss out!
「貢」上你主場 - 茶藝之旅 "SURPRISE Visit" - Tea Tour
In Tour 2, we will join Professor Eliza Liu in her Jabbok Tea Shop for a Tea Tour and explore the historic Chinese tea culture. Professor Liu will share her knowledge on how to survive in the Culture and Arts industry by balancing the culture and business value, and preserve and pass on the cultural heritage.
我們都是中大人II – 01:連繫 We are CUHKers II – First Episode: Connection
人類是群居動物,而彼此的社會連繫需要建基於棲息地之上。導演黃修平在《連繫》短片訪問了「一口設計工作室」共同創辦人梅詩華(建築學院),她深信建築不只是建造高樓大廈,還有建構人和空間的連繫。 梅詩華認為雖然香港的空間比較小,但不代表沒有社區,如何保持人與社區的連繫,正是她身為建築師的工作。立即睇片,了解她的理念👩🏻💭
Human beings are born social and our social connections are built on our habitats. In the “Connection” video, director Adam Wong interviewed with Sarah Mui (Architecture), Co-founder of One Bite Design Studio. Sarah reckons that architecture is not only about building skyscrapers, but also constructing the connection between people and spaces. Sarah believes that although the space in Hong Kong is relatively small, it does not mean that there is no community. It is her job as an architect to maintain the connection between people and the community. Watch the video and listen to her ideas 👩🏻💭
我們都是中大人II – 02:同行 We are CUHKers II – Second Episode: Companion
作為一名醫生,最重要的是甚麼?剛當選本年度「羅德學人」的梁雅媛(醫學院)在《同行》短片接受導演黃修平訪問,她認為雖然醫生未必可以醫百病,但自己最能夠幫助病人的事,就是做一名同行者,聆聽病人和家屬的需要。 梁雅媛在中大讀書時經常做義工,但一次在柬埔寨的特別經歷令佢反思,如何做才可真正幫助別人,到底發生甚麼事?想知就立即睇片!
What is the most important quality of a doctor? Rachel Leung (Medicine Programme Global Physician-Leadership Stream), the newly selected Rhodes Scholar is interviewed by director Adam Wong in the "Companion" video. Rachel believes that doctors may not be able to cure all diseases, but the best thing they can do to help patients is to be a companion and listen to the needs of patients and their families. Rachel often worked as a volunteer when she was studying at CUHK. A special experience in Cambodia brought her some new perspective on how to really help people. What happened to Rachel? Let’s watch the video!
我們都是中大人II – 03:夥伴 We are CUHKers II – Third Episode: Friendship
很多人經常說學生時期交的朋友最真心,對於陳珊珊(會計學院)而言,這確實是毫無懸念。陳珊珊在中大認識到一班志趣相投的好友,讓她獲得滿滿的支持和鼓勵,堅定地走上創業之路。「有甚麼驅使我們幫助她?」「係愛呀!」 年紀輕輕的陳珊珊開設了自家麵包店Blendit,導演黃修平在《夥伴》短片中問道,甚麼因素令她成功開店,陳珊珊認為:「You never lose, you either win or learn!(你從不會失敗,你只會贏或是有所學習!)」想知更多她的創業心得,立即睇片!
Many people often say that friends they made in school are the most sincere. Ashley Chan (Accounting) is in no doubt about that. Ashley has met a group of like-minded friends at CUHK. She received loads of support and encouragement that set her firmly on the road of entrepreneurship. "What drives us to help her? It’s love!"
我們都是中大人II – 04:重塑 We are CUHKers II – Fourth Episode: Reinvention
王森(藝術系)除了是一位陶瓷藝術家,更是一名金繼師。相信大家也很好奇,甚麼是金繼?導演黃修平也一樣,所以他在《重塑》短片中向王森請教,原來這門手藝是以金去延續事物的生命,過程需時七七四十九天。 在學習金繼的過程中,王森領略到即使發生了不好的事,只要能夠借助它,並改變它,便足以扭轉局面,「原來沒有分好壞,時間會令一切都變得美好。」立即睇片,細味更多金繼精神🏺
Enders Wong (Fine Arts) is not only a ceramics artist. He also delves into Kintsugi. You are probably very curious about what Kintsugi is. Director Adam Wong who consulted Enders in the “Reinvention” video certainly feels that way. Kintsugi is mending with gold, thereby extending the lives of broken objects but it takes 49 days to finish the whole process. During his time learning Kintsugi, Enders came to understand that even if a flawed thing exists, you should embrace and transform the imperfection. Then you may turn the tide. “There is no flawed or perfect. Time makes everything beautiful, moment by moment,” Watch the video and savour the spirit of Kintsugi🏺
我們都是中大人II – 05:初心 We are CUHKers II – Fifth Episode: Staying True
不少學生初進中大山城時,充滿抱負和理想,但畢業後如何保持初心?導演 #黃修平 (藝術系)謹記了教授當年的一句話:「陽光底下無新事,許多存在影子中。」即使影子是依附在物件上,但會令物件更立體,當藝術家便需要探討這層面。 黃的好拍檔、編劇 #陳心遙 (人類學系)則認為,人生是累積而成,無論做的任何事會否開心,也是有意義的。 同場加映:二人相識經過,還有黃修平的親筆畫作曝光!想知就立即睇片~ 從預告片開始,共推出了六段影片,我們看到每位中大人透過山城連繫起來,成為同行的夥伴,一路走來,從迷茫中重塑自己,保持初心。
Many students are full of ambitions and dreams when they first enter CUHK, but how can they stay true to them after graduation? Director Adam Wong (Fine Arts) remembered a quote from his professor, "There is nothing new under the sun, but much is underlain in shadows." Every object has a shadow which makes it more dimensional. Being an artist involves exploring this aspect. Adam Wong’s partner, writer Saville Chan (Anthropology) believes that life is built on experience. Whether things make you happy or not, they are all meaningful. Screening with: how did these two guys meet each other and become good friends? And Adam Wong’s drawing is also exposed! Let’s watch the video now! Starting from the trailer, a total of six videos are produced. We have seen that CUHKers are connected in this campus and become companions. Along the way, they reinvent themselves from confusion and continue staying true.