More tools and resources to enhance your career readiness

Graduate Employment Survey

Graduate Employment Survey (GES) is conducted every year to survey the employment situation of our graduates. It covers all full-time first-degree holders and higher-degree graduates. An overview of the employment situation of our graduates is shown here

For 2024 graduates, your support of the survey is crucial for our planning and provision of career-related activities for your fellow students. All data collected will be kept strictly confidential and reported only in an aggregated format. It will only take around five minutes to complete. Support us by giving your feedback!

·         2024 Full-time First Degree Graduates

·         2024 Full-time Higher Degrees / Postgraduate Diploma / Certificate Graduates

·         2023 MB ChB Graduates



Previous Data for reference

·         2022
·         2021
·         2020
·         2019



Job and CV 360 | AI Resume Writing and Job Matching Platform

Job and CV 360  is an AI-powered platform designed to simplify your first job search. You can quickly create a professional-looking resume based on your CU Careers profile with CV 360. Job 360 also gives you CU Job Link job recommendations that match your skills and preferences. It’s designed for students and recent graduates to help you apply for jobs faster, with less time spent searching and formatting.

Key Features

    1. Download a Professional Resume

    2. Personalized Job Matches

    3. Resume Enhancement

Best Experience
For the best results, try out our AI-powered platform on a laptop or desktop computer with Chrome, Safari, or Edge. 


Click HERE to review the full demonstration recording and start building your resume today!

TellUs | AI Interview Platform

What's Tellus?

Tellus is an AI-powered interview training tool designed to help students and recent graduates refine their performance for in-person and video interviews. Tellus allows you to take mock video interviews and receive comprehensive AI feedback on aspects like content, speaking clarity, and presentation skills. Learning at your own pace with Tellus will boost your confidence and enhance your ability to secure your dream job.

Interview Quotas

Each student has been allocated two interview quotas per year. This means you can conduct up to two interviews using the system. For each interview, you will have two attempts to complete the process. So you can retake an interview once if needed. This gives you the flexibility to practice and improve your performance.  Please use your interview quotas wisely. If you have any questions, be sure to check the FAQ here.


Try our mock interviews

On-Air Studio@OSA | Free Booking Service

The Centre provides a free booking service of On-Air Studio to facilitate your professional online presence and support your preparation at the job-hunting stage. With the key equipment in the Studio, you can attend online conferences, video/online interviews, live-streaming events, and e-meetings in a private and cozy environment. Reservations at your fingertips. Book Now!


Campus Recruitment Ambassador Scheme

Are you planning for your career development? Do you want to explore more career options in different industries? Join the Campus Recruitment Ambassador Scheme and get to connect with employers and get more career information! 

The Centre is inviting applications for the Campus Recruitment Ambassadors. As a Campus Recruitment Ambassador, you will: 

  • Get to connect with employers through assisting in both online and physical events
  • Share career information and functions with various students' bodies
  • Receive tailored training and briefing on career development
  • Represent CUHK at the employers' events 

Firsthand | Career-Building Platform

FirstHand is a one-stop virtual platform helping you research a wide variety of career tips and knowledge. This service is available at no charge to all full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students with access to different topics, including: 

  • Several career guidebooks featuring the prospect of different industries
  • Salary reviews and trends for hundreds of professions
  • Quick tips for job searching strategy
  • Internship database

Register with your university email address here and keep yourself ahead of the curve!

Graduate First | Job Assessment Portal

Many companies are using aptitude and psychometric tests to measure the suitability of candidates for different job positions based on one’s personality style and capabilities. To strengthen your job-hunting skills, the Centre subscribes to an online job assessment portal at Graduate First which covers a wide range of assessments used by global employers nowadays. More than 70 practical assessments, including aptitude tests, game-based assessments, situational judgment tests, and video interviews, are available for free. Immerse yourself in an online practice environment by registering with your university email address here!


The Independent Learning Centre | Self-learning Platform

The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) provides a resource rich environment for students to reflect on and engage in their role as Independent Learners. Through specialized workshops, individual and small group consultations, online resources, and guided study plans, the ILC helps learners to improve their communication and study skills, as well as plan their own learning strategies. Check out the details listed below: 

Recommended Online Job Portal

More job opportunities could be found at the following portals: