Tell your story with a powerful resume
A well-written resume shows off your strengths and presents you as a suitable candidate for a job. It may give you a chance at an interview that could lead to an employment offer. It should be concise, appealing and easy to digest, and demonstrate how you meet the requirements of a job. Here are some quick tips that may come in handy when you create your resume. You are also welcome to reach us at the Career Advisory Corner for a 15-minute CV clinic session, or schedule a One-on-One Counselling Session for an in-depth discussion.
Format 格式
- Font Size: 10 to 12 points
- Font Style: Arial or Calibri
- Have a consistent format and font style
- Items to bold include name, headings, and content that is most relevant to the position
- Use appropriate tone and wordings to present your experience
- 字型大小:10至12點
- 字體:英文可選用Arial或 Calibri,中文則可選用「新細明體」,全文必須一致
- 格式統一
- 適當使用粗體,如姓名、標題及與應徵職位相關的內容
- 措辭恰當,扼要介紹你的學歷和經驗
Length and Sequence 長度與排序
- Limit the resume to 1 page
- Write your background and experiences in reverse chronological order - i.e. the most recent one first
- 切忌冗長,長度以1至2頁為佳
- 倒序列出學歷背景和工作經驗,即先寫最近的事項
Structure 結構
- List all dates along the same side, right side preferred
- Describe your accomplishments in bullet points
- Be mindful of the use of action verbs that should present a proactive tone
- Avoid using text boxes or tables that make your resume difficult to pass the Application Tracking System
- 所有日期列於頁面的一邊(建議統一在右邊)
- 點列展示你的資歷
- 精準用字,選用積極和正面的詞語
- 避免使用難以搜尋關鍵字的文字方塊或表格

Contact Information 聯絡資料
- Personal information includes name, contact number, email address, and online professional profiles, e.g. LinkedIn
- Make sure your email address and phone voice message are appropriate and professional
- 個人資料,包括姓名、電話、電郵地址及LinkedIn連結(可選填)
- 請確保你的電郵地址及電話留言信箱口訊專業恰當
Portrait 近照
- Place a personal photo unless you are required
- Use a professional portrait if needed
- Join our professional photo-taking days
- 被要求才需要在履歷表附上個人照片
- 請選用專業攝影
- 歡迎參加我們的專業攝影日 !
Personal Summary 個人簡介
- Introduce yourself in three to five sentences precisely
- Highlight your expertise, qualities, and experiences that are relevant to the positions
- 以三至五句扼要介紹自己
- 說明與應徵職位有關的專業技能、資格和經驗
Areas of Expertise 專業技能
- This section captures employers’ attention quickly and facilitates your application via the Application Tracking System
- Create a list of your personal qualities and skills tailored to the job postings
- 這部分能快速抓住僱主視線,並讓你從企業採用的申請人追蹤系統(Applicant Tracking System,ATS)中突圍而出
- 針對應徵職位列出相符的個人特質及技能
Education and Qualifications 教育與學歷
- Start with the highest and the most recent qualification
- Include the experience of academic exchange, if any
- List out the relevant coursework if you do not have much hands-on experience
- 先列出最高及最近期的學歷
- 包括學術交流經驗(如有)
- 如沒有實際工作經驗,可列出與該職位相關的學科課程
Work and Project Experience 工作與項目經驗
- Describe your key responsibilities and achievements in three to five bullet points for each experience
- Quantify your accomplishment with figures to present the scale and complexity of your work, e.g. organized two ceremonies for over 500 participants with a team of three members
- Place the most relevant point first
- 每項經驗以三至五句點列說明你的主要工作及成就
- 以實際數據具體說明所負責項目的規模和複雜性及成就,如:以三人小組籌劃兩個超過500人參加的慶典
- 先列出與應徵職位最相關的項目
Leadership Experience and Community Engagement 領袖經驗與社區參與
- Employers are interested in what you did outside academic studies
- Mention the experiences which demonstrate the personal qualities that are relevant to the job postings
- 僱主會想了解你在工作和學習以外的其他經驗
- 列出能夠表現你個人特質的活動經驗,這些特質須與應徵職位相關
Language and IT Skills 語文能力與電腦技巧
- Cite your proficiency level and qualification you obtained
- 列明你掌握有關技巧的水平,以及已獲得的資格認證(可選填)
Expected Salary 期望薪酬
- Research the salary reports published by various job portals
- Mention it in a range and remark it as “Negotiable”
- 參考不同求職平台公佈的薪酬調查報告
- 列出概括的金額範圍,並標示「可議」
Final Checks! 最後把關檢查!
- Proofread to make sure there are no errors and typos
- Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date
- Double-check and delete the irrelevant information to the position
- Submit your resume in PDF format and name it with your full name
- 核對全文,確保沒有錯別字
- 確保所有資料準確並為最新
- 反復檢查,刪除與應徵職位無關的資料
- 將履歷表儲存為PDF格式,並以你的全名命名檔案